Sunday School Online at 2:oo pm
Free Conference call at 4:00 pm
(Both see Facebook group page for log-in instructions)
*Praise/Prayer & W.O.W (Word on Wednesday): 6:30-7:15 pm
Zoom and Facebook Live
Come And Spend An Hour Gaining Power For Living!!
Centennial's Christian education allows opportunities for people of faith to learn together. Pastor Perkins and other Christian education teachers uses engaged pedagogy, which simply indicate that learning takes place in sharing one with another. Our Pastor believes that each person has something to contribute to the overall learning process.
If you're looking for a place where you can learn and engage scripture in a critical, theological and sincere way, Centennial is the place for you. If you're interested in discerning and learning scripture for yourself, Centennial is the place for you. If you want to grow in the overall knowledge of the sacred canon and learn how to autobiographically and contextually apply it to your life, Centennial is the place for you. Please know that you do not have to be a member to participate in Centennial Christian education opportunities. Our Pastor and church family are excited about sharing the good news (Gk. Eugelion) regarding our convictions about our Christ with all. We hope to see you there.
Centennial Christian Church
4950 Fountain Ave.
St. Louis, MO 63113
Phone: 314-367-1818